Friday, June 26, 2009

Journal #5: Can you hear me now?

"Can you hear me now?" by S. Turkle

This article discussed how technology has become a part of ours lives and has embedded itself into our daily lives. It talked about how during a presentation at a technology conference people were more interested in their own pdas and cell phones and their online network of people than they were interested in the speaker at the conference. This is an interesting point because people travel miles to attend these conferences then they don’t even pay attention to the speakers and then are more interested in doing something they can do at home. The article went on to outline other ways as to how people with new technology are ignoring people in the real world and paying more attention to people in their virtual online world instead.

In the classroom should I be worried about a technological overload for the students?

I don’t think this will be an issue in today’s classrooms because of budget issues etc but also because I think at this point a typical class should not be completely technologically dependant. Students though are likely to have their own cell phones be connected to their friends on myspace and facebook. These things are just so common among today’s youth it’s more abnormal for them to not have these kinds of things. I think as a teacher it is important to be aware of this but to also teach of when it is appropriate to use these technologies and when it is rude to use them. I think its fine for students to be active participants in online communities but when a student enters the classroom they should become devoted to that community and give it 100% of their attention.

Will robots take over the Teaching industry?

It is an interesting proposition because robots have been designed to do so much. As far as I can tell though in the near future this is unlikely but technology like online classes is certainly the first step towards phasing out the teacher. The teacher is still necessary but the face to face interaction is not there any longer. It’s amazing how technology has revolutionized so much, like teaching.

1 comment:

  1. A group of people have been trying to come up with "teacher-proof" curriculum and now technology applications. I think that teachers are still the most important factor in kids' schooling experience.


Hey Look its me Posting this self intro

Hey Look its me Posting this self intro