Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Journal #8: "Virtual Success"

"Virtual Success" by Julie Young, Pam Birtolo, and Raven McElman

This article was about using technology as a substitute for face-to-face interaction in the classroom. The article itself seemed a little bias and almost like an infomercial for Florida Virtual School (FLVS). Looking past this though the article had some interesting ideas and facts about this new form of education. The idea is to have a completely online education that allows students to work at their own pace and at their own time. The students could essentially communicate with teachers at any time during the day and made them feel like every teacher was taking a unique interest in them. The idea of running a school with no face-to-face interaction is fairly revolutionary seeing as how this has been impossible in the past.

What are the drawbacks of having an online education?

One problem would be social skills. Interacting in person is different from interacting online. With such a stress on the online aspect students may lack in social skills and abilities like making in person presentations.

Would I consider teaching at a school like this?

I think I would, it would be a new and exciting experience. I think I would definitely be different but it would also allow me to work at my own pace and at my own time like the students. Teaching also would be a little more personal with each students as we would constantly be communicating via email and having intimate conversations. While I wouldn’t be seeing them in person I would still gain a good understanding about all my students instead of just some.

1 comment:

  1. I like the critical aspect in your reflection. Typically L&L articles are pro technology. In fact, ISTE is to promote technogy use in classrooms. They have their educational and political (and perhaps commercial) agendas. We need to keep a critical eye on both the affordances and drawbacks of technology.


Hey Look its me Posting this self intro

Hey Look its me Posting this self intro